[Ironwood Subdivision Phase VI]
Number: Grading 24535

Drawing of Record Submitted 06/02/2003
Electronic Drawing
Final Grading Report 06/02/2003
Date Scheduled 06/04/2003
Power 09/08/2003. Approved per Dennis. 09/18/2003. Approved per dennis for Permits only phase 8.
Water 09/05/2003. Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Not ready for permits. 09/17/2003. approved per Jeff Lance, for Lots #141 & #115, phase 8.
Wastewater 09/05/2003. Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Not ready for permits. 09/17/2003. approved per Jeff Lance, for Lots #141 & #115, phase 8.
Engineering 09/17/2003. approved per Larry Henderson. Lot #115 & #141. 09/18/203. Approved per Larry Henderson FOr phase 8.
City Development Engineer 09/16/2003. Approved per Cathie. Lot #115, #141. 09/18/2003. Approved per cathie Permits only Phase 8.
Power 06/04/2003. Approved per Dennis
Water 6/04/2003. Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Concrete slab on 48, 49 needs replaced,remove all concrete and dress up ground meter boxes, fire hydrants. Lots 115,122 not approved Lots 141,144 not approved need drawing 12/30/2003. Corrections required per Jeff Lance. 1. 9" min from top of lid to setter. 2. Setter must be centered in box. 3. BOxes,two are in backwards. of record 06/13/2003. Corrections required. Concrete slab on lots 48 & 49 needs replaced, clean up all concrete, and dress up around meter bocxes and fire hydrants. Per Jeff Lance. 07/23/2003. Approved per Jeff Lance.
Wastewater 6/04/2003. Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Concrete slab on 48, 49 needs replaced,remove all concrete and dress up ground meter boxes, fire hydrants. Lots 115,122 not approved Lots 141,144 not approved need drawing 12/30/2003. Corrections required per Jeff Lance. 1. 9" min from top of lid to setter. 2. Setter must be centered in box. 3. BOxes,two are in backwards. of record 06/13/2003. Corrections required. Concrete slab on lots 48 & 49 needs replaced, clean up all concrete, and dress up around meter bocxes and fire hydrants. Per Jeff Lance. 07/23/2003. Approved per Jeff Lance.
Engineering 08/01/2003. Approved per Larry Henderson.
City Development Engineer 06/04/2003.Corrections required per Catherine Hasfurther. Revision to ulity plan sheets for modification in phasing. Going to JUC Tuesday. 06/04/2003. Corrections required per La. Trim expansion joints. Remove sontube from light bases. Correct drawing of record to correct phase 6 limits. Clean sidewalk & gutter. 06/16/2003. approved per jay. As builts ok,Electronic as-builts ok,Final plat,work in intersection approved by Art Durfee. Replace broken sidewalk, Trim drain pipe flush with curb. Remove spilled concrete. Remove pallet of roof files. Finish grouting of boxes in 1800 No 2100 W. 06/13/2003.Corrections required. Per LA Trim expansion joints,remove sonotube from street light bases,Clean sidewalk curb and gutter. Replace broken sidewalk, trim drain pipe flush with curb face.Remove spilled concrete.Remove pallet of roof tiles from sidewlak,finish grouting boxes in 1800 N 2100 W.Extend waterline 20` past curb. Extend asphalt to end of curb., Ramp end of sidewalk. 7/28/2003. Approved per Cathie H.
Landscaping 06/11/2003. Approved per Mark Bradley
General Comments: