[Fort Pierce Ind. Young Electric Sign Co(Yesco)]
Number: Grading-39322

Drawing of Record Submitted 3/27/2008
Electronic Drawing 3/27/2008
Final Grading Report 3/27/2008
Date Scheduled 3/31/2008
City Development Engineer
Water 4/2/2008 Corrections required per Carson Tait.. Not Ready 4/14/2008 Approved per Carosn Tait
Wastewater 4/2/2008 Corrections required per Carson Tait.. Not Ready 4/14/2008 Approved per Carosn Tait
Engineering 3/31/2008 Corrections required per Brandon Wright..DI boxes need to be re-grouted and cleaned, job is not complete for paving of landscape, missing collars and pad around hydrant, dumpster enclosure not done, sediment in DI boxes need to clean them out, construction material still in City right of way, trailer, dumpster, gravel. 4/10/2008 Corrections required per Brandon Wright.. Fix curb on river Road, move Boulders out of 10' clear zone, fix patch at entrance. 4/17/2008 Approved per Brandon Wright 4/7/2009 Approved per Brandon Wright.. 1 year warranty
City Development Engineer 3/31/2008 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. Landscape just started, pavement is in/comp around building no trash enclosure built. 4/10/08 corrections required per Ken B. No privacy gates at front or side. Landscape incomplete at rear. 4/17/08 corrections required per Ken B. Privacy gates incomplete. 5/5/2008 Approved per Ken Bricker 4/1/09 - 1 year warranty - private improvements only - NA per Cathy H.
Landscaping 3/31/2008 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. Landscape just started, pavement is in/comp around building no trash enclouse built. 4/10/08 corrections required per Ken B. No privacy gates at front or side. Landscape incomplete at rear. 4/17/08 corrections required per Ken B. Privacy gates incomplete. 5/5/2008 Approved per Ken Bricker 4/15/09 - 1 YEAR WARRANTY - approved Pam Klotz - Nursery Stakes and tree stakes need to be removed. Truck suckers removed and weeds sprayed.
General Comments: