[America First Credit Union/Westridge Comm]
Number: Grading-39940

Drawing of Record Submitted 6/19/2008
Electronic Drawing 6/19/2008
Final Grading Report 6/19/2008
Date Scheduled 6/23/2008
City Development Engineer
Power 3/23/2008 Approved per Dennis Wright 5/6/2009 Approved per Dennis Wright 1 year warranty
Water 6/23/2008 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Clean & paint hydrant, check valve to see if valve can open, wire ok Tim D. Rebar in box remove it. 6/25/2008 Approved per Kevin Condie 6/9/2009 Approved per Kevin Condie.. 1 year warranty
Wastewater 6/23/2008 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Clean & paint hydrant, check valve to see if valve can open, wire ok Tim D. Rebar in box remove it. 6/25/2008 Approved per Kevin Condie 6/9/2009 Approved per Kevin Condie.. 1 year warranty
Engineering 6/24/2008 Corrections required per Brandon Wright.. Move tree out of in front of stop sign, fix sidewalk panel in SE corner of project, clean and grout DI boxes 6/26/2008 Approved per Brandon Wright 5/6/09 - 1 year warranty - approved per Brandon W.
City Development Engineer 6/23/2008 Corrections required per Cathy H... Electronic Dwg of record-need to label all storm drain information(storm drain size,type,length, etc.,catch basin info etc.) 6/24/08 corrections required per Cathy H. Do not have corrections for DWG of record. See previous comments. 6/27/2008 Approved per Cathy H 5/6/09 - 1 year warranty - Not applicable - No public improvements - per Cathy H.
Landscaping 6/23/2008 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. Fire hydrant requires pad & landscaping is incomplete (port a potty, dumpsters will be moved) 6/24/08 approved per Ken B. 6/11/2009 approved Per Laura Taylor.. 1 year warranty
General Comments: