Rivercrest Phase III
Number: Grading 26139

Drawing of Record Submitted receuved 09/25/2003
Electronic Drawing
Final Grading Report received 09/26/2003
Date Scheduled
Water 07/07/2003. Approved per Boyd.
Wastewater 07/07/2003. Approved per Boyd.
Engineering 07/09/2003. Corrections Required per Mike Hester. Complete the road base in the Cul-de-sac. Remove all vegitation & sterlize the road base. Re-compact and test the manhole at lot #50.
City Development Engineer 7/9/2003. Approved.
Water 9/30/2003 Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Lot 50&51, broken boxes. Lot 27 needs concrete repaired. Valve needs new nut on road F and road B. Remove and repair concrete around Fire Hydrant by road A. Straighten setter, level lot 55. Lot 38,39 needs W in curb. Slow flow Lot 35. Lids backwards on lot 44. Need to straighten fire hydrants with road. Need dirt in box lot 28. remove dirt off boxes lot 33,34. Still need to check wire. 10/9/2003. Approved per Kevin Condie HOLD CO's for lots #50, 51, 27 11/20/03 Approved per Jeff Lance.
Wastewater 9/30/2003 Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Lot 50&51, broken boxes. Lot 27 needs concrete repaired. Valve needs new nut on road F and road B. Remove and repair concrete around Fire Hydrant by road A. Straighten setter, level lot 55. Lot 38,39 needs W in curb. Slow flow Lot 35. Lids backwards on lot 44. Need to straighten fire hydrants with road. Need dirt in box lot 28. remove dirt off boxes lot 33,34. Still need to check wire. 10/9/2003. Approved per Kevin Condie HOLD CO's for lots #50, 51, 27 11/20/03 Approved per Jeff Lance.
Engineering 09/25/2003. Approved per Judd.
City Development Engineer 09/25/2003. Corrections required per Mike Hester. Provide the drawing of record and provide the Final graddng & Testing report. 10/01/2003. Approved Mike Hester.
Landscaping 09/30/2003. Approved per Doug W.
General Comments: