[Lakota-Phase I & II]
Number: Grading 30870

Drawing of Record Submitted 01/04/2006
Electronic Drawing 01/04/2006
Final Grading Report 12/14/2005
Date Scheduled 01/05/2006
Power 09/19/2005 Approved per Dennis Wright Power ok for Permits
Water 09/20/2005 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. 1. Need collars around meter, they want permits on.. 2. Valve need to be at sub grade.3. Need water in hydrants. 12/13/2005 Approved per Matt Loo Permits Only
Wastewater 09/20/2005 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. 1. Need collars around meter, they want permits on.. 2. Valve need to be at sub grade.3. Need water in hydrants. 12/13/2005 Approved per Matt Loo Permits Only
Engineering Recommended for approval by Hillside Review Board July 2, 2003. Recommended by PC July 8, 2003. Conditioned on minor adjustment of north east-west road alignment and contouring cut slope for more natural look. 09/19/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson ..Not until trail is done and project poured. 09/21/2005 Approved per Larry Henderson For Lots #75 and #80 Only Restoration Bond in amount of $31,000(LOC) submitted 1/8/04 expires 7/7/04. 12/07/2005 Approved per Larry Henderson
City Development Engineer 09/19/2005 Corrections required per Cathy H. 1. Trail needs to be completed. Snow Canyon Parkway needs to be cleaned up and good effort made to work on frontage. 09/21/2005 Corrections required per Cathy H... 1. Trail improvemetnsts need to be complete, 2. Snow Canyon Parkway improvements completed 11/28/2005.. Approved per Cathy H
Power 01/05/2006 Approved per Dennis Wright 12/5/06 1 year warranty Approved per Dennis Wright.
Water 01/06/2006 Corrections required per Kevin Condie..1. Clean and paint all hydrants, 2. Valve in Snow Canyon Parkway need valve extension on them. 3. No H20 to setters cap stop turned off at main lots 40 &41. 4. 73 & 74 no rebar in boxes-redo 5. Need to check wire. 6. Valve at hydrant at entrance can not get lid off. 7. Meter for Club House Pool need concrete and W on curb. 01/27/2006 Approved per Kevin Condie 12/19/06 - 1 year warranty approved per Tim Dotson -
Wastewater 01/06/2006 Corrections required per Kevin Condie..1. Clean and paint all hydrants, 2. Valve in Snow Canyon Parkway need valve extension on them. 3. No H20 to setters cap stop turned off at main lots 40 &41. 4. 73 & 74 no rebar in boxes-redo 5. Need to check wire. 6. Valve at hydrant at entrance can not get lid off. 7. Meter for Club House Pool need concrete and W on curb. 01/27/2006 Approved per Kevin Condie 12/19/06 - 1 year warranty approved per Tim Dotson -
Engineering 01/05/2006 Corrections required per Larry Henderson.. Clean inlet boxes,remove excess concrete behind sidewalk,finish backfill behind sidewalk, remove boulder from Lakota Dr. Complete sidewalk @ sales trailer,seal cracks in curb, install street signs, ramp end of sidewalk, complete parking area, lot corners Rockwall certifications, subdivision certification. 01/26/2006 Approved per Larry Henderson 1/2/07 1 year warranty - Corrections required per Brandon Wright. Broken walk on entry. Cracked curb and chipped curb face. Broken walk round-about S. End 44-45. Curb settling away from sidewalk. Cracked and broken walk throughout project, handicap ramps cracked. Cracked meter boxes concrete.
City Development Engineer 01/11/2006 Corrections required per Cathy Hasfurther.. 1. Private development certificate for PD portion 2. Finish grading of emergency access for Fire. Talk to Kevin Taylor on material for surface. Place also drain or other device per fire.3. Landscape entrance @ Snow Canyon Parkway landscape islands. 4. Clean streets. 5. Build approved detention basin per plan. 01/27/2006 Approved per Cathy H... Have bond for unfinished landscaping. Korey to get me Rockwall Certs. 12/27/2006 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. 1 year warranty..Remove brush growing on sidewalks at Lakota Ridge Dr
Landscaping 01/06/2006 Corrections required per Mark Bradley..A. Parks dept to inspect Trail)Lynn Scott).. Trees (Doug W. ).. B. Need a Hillside compliance letter by Engineers (Civil and Geotech). 01/13/2006 Corections required per Lynn.. No landscape 01/27/2006 Approved per Mark Bradly.. Parks to OK the trees and trail. Rec'd Geoted compliance letter. 01/27/2006 Approved per Doug W.. As per Bond Agreement 12/27/2006 Approved per Ken Bricker.. 1 year warranty..
General Comments:
HRB Dev. Transite Pipe may exist in South corner of development. Restoration bond for $31,000 to expire in one year.