[Fort Pierce/JPX #30-#32]
Number: Grading-38428

Drawing of Record Submitted 7/21/2008..revised 7/25/08
Electronic Drawing 7/21/2008..revised 7/25/08..7/30/08
Final Grading Report 7/22/2008
Date Scheduled 7/23/2008
City Development Engineer
Water 7/23/08 approved per Carson Tait. 6/18/2009 Approved per Wayne M.. 1 year warranty.. Checked locate wire, good.
Wastewater 7/23/08 approved per Carson Tait. 6/18/2009 Approved per Wayne M.. 1 year warranty.. Checked locate wire, good.
Engineering 7/25/2008..Corrections required per Brandon Wright.. No tests on concrete, asphalt,road base,sub grade, storm drain, rock wall, were preformed. Need compliance letter for rock wall, need new drawing of record with changes made. 7/31/2008 Approved per Brandon Wright..Note: Owner will assume all responsibility of any failure due to lack of testing. 6/5/09 - 1 year warranty - approved per Brandon W.
City Development Engineer 7/25/2008.. Corrections required per Cathy H..Rock wall compliance letter, Electronic Dwg of record needs to be placed in City HCN Coordinate system, Finish site per approved const. Dwgs 5/8/08, Show detention basin on electronic Dwg of record 7/29/08 corrections required per Cathy H. (1) Electronic DWG of record still is off the city HCN coordinate system by 50' to the Northwest. (2) Provide rock wall compliance letter. (3) Finish site per approved construction DWGS dated 5/8/08 or submit revised construction DWGS for reapproval. (4) Show evidence that there is a storm drain easement over lot 32. (5) Show evidence that lot 30 & 31 have been merged together, so lot line is not in middle of bldg. 7/30/08 corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic dwg of record still is not in City HCN system - not close this time. 7/31/08 approved per Jay S. DWG ok per Cathy. 6/4/09 - 1 year warranty - approved per Cathy H.
Landscaping 7/25/2008.. Corrections required per Ken Bricker..Rock wall compliance letter, Electronic Dwg of record needs to be placed in City HCN Coordinate system, Finish site per approved const. Dwgs 5/8/08, Show detention basin on electronic Dwg of record 7/29/08 corrections required per Cathy H. See comments from City Development Engineer. 7/30/08 approved per Ken B. 6/4/09 - 1 year warranty - approved per Cathy H.
General Comments: