[Blackberry Court Phase 1]
Number: Grading-40372

Drawing of Record Submitted 6/25/2009..revised 7/2/09..revised 9/14/09
Electronic Drawing 6/25/2009..revised 7/2/09..revised 9/14/09
Final Grading Report 6/25/2009
Date Scheduled 6/29/2009
City Development Engineer
Water 6/30/2009 Corrections required per Kevin Condie..1. Man cove meter box need to have concrete collar around it.2.Clean paint hydrant, 3. Fire on Baneberry has concrete around bottom flange & on bolts & nuts raise hydrant or remove concrete hydrant. 4. Hydrant in court turn hydrant to match street 5. Lot #1 has rebar in the way in box cut it out of the way. 9/3/2009 Approved per Kevin Condie
Wastewater 6/30/2009 Corrections required per Kevin Condie..1. Man cove meter box need to have concrete collar around it.2.Clean paint hydrant, 3. Fire on Baneberry has concrete around bottom flange & on bolts & nuts raise hydrant or remove concrete hydrant. 4. Hydrant in court turn hydrant to match street 5. Lot #1 has rebar in the way in box cut it out of the way. 9/3/2009 Approved per Kevin Condie
Engineering 7/1/2009 Approved Per Carlos Robles 7/6/2010 Approved per Brandon Wright.. 1 year warranty
City Development Engineer 6/30/09 corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic DWG of record - move sewer laterals in the cul-de-sac to be on sewer main. Show storm drain stub coming from catch basin South with invert and rip-rap location (per plan). Move tag for storm drain catch basin to correct location. DWG needs to be put in HCN (too far North). Need 10% warranty bond. per Ken B. Missing end of road markers at South side of round-about. 7/2/09 corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic DWG of record - Show storm drain stub going South from catch basin with invert and rip rap location (per plan). Move tag for storm drain catch basin to correct location. DWG needs to be put in HCN (too far North). Need 10% warranty bond. per Ken B. Missing end of road markers at South side of round-about. 7/2/2009 Corrections required per Cathy H.. See Previous comments 9/16/09 corrections required per Cathy H. 10% warranty bond. Uncover storm drain pipe running South to daylight for drainage. 9/29/09 approved per Cathy H. 7/20/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Cathy H.
Landscaping 6/30/09 approved per Cathy H. 7/20/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Cathy H.
General Comments: