[Walgreens- Sunset Blvd]
Number: Grading-40375

Drawing of Record Submitted 1/09/2009..revised 1/16/09
Electronic Drawing 1/09/2009..revised1/16/09
Final Grading Report 1/2/2009
Date Scheduled 1/13/2009
City Development Engineer
Power 1/13/2009 Approved per Dennis Wright 1/7/2010 Approved epr Dennis Wright.. 1 year warranty
Water 1/13/2009 Correctionsrequired per Kevin Condie..Concrete around all hydrants all valve need collars, need arrow & line size in valve collars, cannot let valve to check if these open, check wire, record of drawing that has H20k 1/23/2009 Approved per Kevin Condie.. Need to check wire 1/20/2010 Approved per Tim Dotson.. 1 year warranty
Wastewater 1/13/2009 Correctionsrequired per Kevin Condie..Concrete around all hydrants all valve need collars, need arrow & line size in valve collars, cannot let valve to check if these open, check wire, record of drawing that has H20k 1/23/2009 Approved per Kevin Condie.. Need to check wire 1/20/2010 Approved per Tim Dotson.. 1 year warranty
Engineering 1/16/2009 Corrections required per Brandon Wright.. NOT Ready 1/20/2009 Approved per Brandon Wright.. Note: Need new drawing of record 1/12/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Brandon W.
City Development Engineer 1/14/2009 Corrections required per Cathy Hasfurther..10% warranty bond for all improvements, Elec Dwg of record need to show all top & bottom wall elevations,storm drainage pipes connecting catch basins with size, slope, type etc. Show to the discharge location, sewer, water,power locations, from public system to bldg. street light locations, etc. Dwg needs to be placed in City HCN system. 1/20/09 corrections required per Cathy H. 10% warranty bond on all improvements. Electronic DWG of record needs to be placed in city HCN (off to the North). Show top and bottom of wall elevation grade tags. Storm drain pipes need to be shown connecting catch basins (include size, type, material, slope, etc). Show where storm drains discharge to main system. Slot drain needs to be labeled and shown connected to system. Remove language of anything "proposed." This is an as-built. Also show how the site gets its power from city transformers. Title of DWG needs to be "as-built" not Alta Survey. 2/3/09 corrections required per Cathy H. 10% warranty bond. Electronic DWG of record needs to be placed in city HCN grid. 2/3/09 corrections required per Cathy H. DWG of record okay. Still need bond. 3/4/2009 Approved Per Cathy H 1/4/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Ken B.
Landscaping 1/20/2009 Approved per Doug W. 1/4/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Ken B.
General Comments: