Slickrock Subdivision Phase V
Number: Grading 29397

Drawing of Record Submitted 1/21/2004
Electronic Drawing 1/20/2004
Final Grading Report 1/21/2004
Date Scheduled
City Development Engineer 1/15/2004. PERMITS ONLY okay per Cathy Hasfurther - EXCLUDEING lots 175-184 .
Power 1/13/2004. Approved per Dennis Wright
Water 01/02/04. Corrections required per Kevin. Final done on 12-29-03 to many things to list, talked to Rusty He will call back when ready. 1/9/2004. Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Lot 174 and 175 remove concrete and repair. Lots 172, 173 broken concrete. Lots 171, 170 replace concrete. 1/15/04. Approved per KJ Jeffery - okay for final
Wastewater 01/02/04. Corrections required per Kevin. Final done on 12-29-03 to many things to list, talked to Rusty He will call back when ready. 1/9/2004. Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Lot 174 and 175 remove concrete and repair. Lots 172, 173 broken concrete. Lots 171, 170 replace concrete. 1/15/04. Approved per KJ Jeffery - okay for final
Engineering 12/30/2003. Corrections Required per Mike Hester. Complete all electrical. Complete all final grading on lots, trails, detention areas. Clean all public improvements. Provide the final grading and testing report. Rock line the detention overflow. 1/6/04 corrections required per Mike Hester. Clean all public improvements. Complete all monumentation and property corners. Clean all storm drain inlets and pipe. Backfill the footing for the rockwalls on the lower side. Dress the trails smooth. Complete all finish grading on all lots. Dress and properly offset all slopes. Backfill behind all sidewalk and around all utilities. Trim all high felt expansion straps. Remove all excess material and construction debries. 1/13/04. Corrections required per Mike Hester - Complete monumentation. Correct the drawing of Record. Correct the final grading and testing report. 3/16/04 Approved per Mike Hester.
City Development Engineer 1/9/2004. Corrections required per Catherine Hasfurther. Need drawing of record. 1/26/2004. Corrections required per Cathy Hasfurther - need electronic drawing of record. 3/18/04 - Approved per Cathy Hasfurther.
Landscaping 1/12/2004 Corrections required per Mark Bradley. Trees, landscape, wall not complete - hasn't started. 3/18/04 - approved per Mark Bradley. NOTE: agreement wit S & S homes. Wall and trees to be installed with building of homes.
General Comments: