[Jedora Estates Phase 1]
Number: Grading 29839

Drawing of Record Submitted
Electronic Drawing
Final Grading Report
Date Scheduled
Water 12/31/2003. Approved per Jeff Lance for Permits only.
Wastewater 12/31/2003. Approved per Jeff Lance for Permits only.
Engineering 1/05/2004. Approved per Mike Hester for permits only.
City Development Engineer
Water 1/14/2004 Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Need to lower setter lot 26. IRG air vac needs concrete. Lots 37,38 soft under concrete. Need road base. Check all meters for road base. Need concrete on inline valve on 2540 S West end. Need to straighten all fire hydrants with road base. Need to check drawing of record. still need to check wire. 2/2/04. Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Need to show IR6 l ine on drawing of record. 2/10/04. Approved per Jeff L.
Wastewater 1/14/2004 Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Need to lower setter lot 26. IRG air vac needs concrete. Lots 37,38 soft under concrete. Need road base. Check all meters for road base. Need concrete on inline valve on 2540 S West end. Need to straighten all fire hydrants with road base. Need to check drawing of record. still need to check wire. 2/2/04. Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Need to show IR6 l ine on drawing of record. 2/10/04. Approved per Jeff L.
Engineering 1/16/2004. Corrections required per Mike Hester. Work is still in progress. Call when complete. 1/27/2004 Corrections required per Mike Hester. Correct the final grading and testing report. Correct the Drawing of record. Clean all public improvements. Remove all construction debris. Relocate all traffic control signs to meet placement details on Drw #412 City Standards. 2/13/04. Corrections required per Mike Hester. Correct the final grading and testing report as marked. Complete the monumentation by re-installing the 1/4 section monument. 3/15/04 Approved per Mike Hester.
City Development Engineer 1/26/2004 corrections required per Cathy Hasfurther. Electronic drawing of record, final grading report, drawing of record. 2/13/04. Corrections required - per Cathy Hasfurther - final grading report. 3/17/04 Approved per Cathy Hasfurther.
Landscaping 3/11/04 - corrections required per Matt Callister. No landscaping yet. 6/09/04. Corrections required per DW. Doesn't meet standards for maintenace by city, punch list generated and delivered to developer. Matt C. Replace Dead trees. DW.NOTE: ( Talked to doug- he will have Larry Fredricksen or Matt Callister inspect. They will call me back).
General Comments: