[Fountain Heights Phase II]
Number: Grading 29952

Drawing of Record Submitted 4-28-04
Electronic Drawing 4-28-04
Final Grading Report 4-28-04
Date Scheduled
Engineering HRB Approval 5/14/03
City Development Engineer
Water 5/5/04 corrections required per Kevin Condie. Remove concrete around valve cans. Remove concrete around meter boxes. Straighten fire hydrant on North end of project. Arrows in collar need to be deeper. 05/25/04. Approved for final per Boyd Roundy.
Wastewater 5/5/04 corrections required per Kevin Condie. Remove concrete around valve cans. Remove concrete around meter boxes. Straighten fire hydrant on North end of project. Arrows in collar need to be deeper. 05/25/04. Approved for final per Boyd Roundy.
Engineering 5/7/04 corrections required per Mike Hester. Clean all public improvements. Clean all storm drains. Provide an accurate drawing of record. Approved for Final per Mike Hester.
City Development Engineer 5/5/04 corrections required per Jay Sandberg. Need private improvement certification. Need electronic drawing of record. 05/24/04. Approved per Cathy Hasfurther Provide me with an electronic drawing of record.
Landscaping 5/6/04 corrections required per Mark Bradley. Provide letter of verification of compliance by engineer for hillside development. 05/26/04. Approved for Final per Mark Bradley. Called Doug W. to inspect treesm doug okayed street trees 5-26-04 Note: playground area and south detention area lined with rock to be completed by Wayne Pope's final inspection.
General Comments:
Hillside Development! 8/15/2003 Restoration Bond in the amount of $26,870.00 proposed by Rob Reid/Rosenberg Assoc. and accepted by City. Escrow Agreement is in place for restoration bond. Plans have been revised along River Road frontage and along back of site adjacent to cut slope. Engineer and Contractor having trouble with cut and walls along the back of the site. Re-design for City approval being done by Rob Reid as of 11/24/03.