[Towne Storage]
Number: Grading-41187

Drawing of Record Submitted 11/30/2009
Electronic Drawing 11/30/2009
Final Grading Report 12/01/2009
Date Scheduled 12/01/2009
City Development Engineer
Power 12/01/2009 Approved per Dennis Wright 10/12/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Dennis W.
Water 12/07/2009 Approved per Kevin Condie 10/19/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Kevin C. Wire good. No wire on hydrant in front of building.
Wastewater 12/07/2009 Approved per Kevin Condie 10/19/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Kevin C. Wire good. No wire on hydrant in front of building.
Engineering 12/03/2009 Corrections required per Brandon Wright..1. Drawing of record is wrong, shoulder asphalt on Riverside Dr, Tree in sight triangle 12/07/2009 Correctionsrequired per Brandon Wright..Wash improvement, drawing of record fixed 12/16/2009 Approved per Brandon Wright 10/15/2010 Approved per Brandon Wright.. 1 year warranty
City Development Engineer 12/1/09 corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic DWG of record needs to show exactly where all utilities tie in and were constructed from (over by Maverik). Also remove language of who is constructing waterline. Clean up holes in power connections. per Ken B. Hydrant pads are still green with forms. Sewer collars are still green. Trash enclosure is incomplete. Missing stop sign. One tree needs to be moved out of the sight triangle. 12/4/09 corrections required per Cathy H. Elec Dwg of Record - show wash improvements, power connected (just floating in dwg), remove language of who constructed water line. Cerificate that Middleton Wash Improvements are installed properly. 12/15/09 approved per Cathy H. 10/13/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Brett B.
Landscaping 12/1/09 corrections required per Ken B. 14 trees present, plans call for 19. One tree needs to be removed out of the sight distance triangle. per Cathy H revise landscape plan for approval of less trees. 12/4/09 approved per Ken B. 10/13/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Brett B.
General Comments: