[Legacy Phase 13]
Number: Grading-41327

Drawing of Record Submitted 10/13/2009..revised 10/22/09
Electronic Drawing 10/13/2009..revised 10/22/09
Final Grading Report 10/14/2009
Date Scheduled 10/14/2009
City Development Engineer
Power 10/14/09 approved per Dennis W. 10/12/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Dennis W.
Water 10/15/2009 Corrections required per Daren Judd..Need to re pour concrete around meter boxs that are marked in blue. Straighten up hydrant at bottom of project wire-good lower hydrants to City spec's 10/26/2009 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Finish Punch List 11/02/2009 Approved per Kevin Condie 10/19/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Kevin C. Wire good.
Wastewater 10/15/2009 Corrections required per Daren Judd..Need to re pour concrete around meter boxs that are marked in blue. Straighten up hydrant at bottom of project wire-good lower hydrants to City spec's 10/26/2009 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Finish Punch List 11/02/2009 Approved per Kevin Condie 10/19/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Kevin C. Wire good.
Engineering 10/14/2009 Corrections required per Brandon Wright.. 1. Broken curb remove & Replace, 2. Monuments are not stamped 3. pads are not cleaned off and up to grade 4. Need property corners front & rear marked 5. Clean all DI Boxes 6. Missing lid on DI box #3 NE corner 7. Remove all rock & Dirt from edge of hill along Golf Course 8. Missing Final grading Report. 10/22/09 approved per Brandon W. 10/14/2010 Approved per Brandon Wright.. 1 year warranty
City Development Engineer 10/14/09 corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic dwg of record - show additional sewer lateral tie dimension from TBC to cleanout, show storm drain running to detention basin. Update private development certificate or submit final grading report. per Ken B. sidewalk is incomplete. Concrete forms are still in place. Repair and replace full depth curb crack at 17 locations (see map). Green concrete water access plates. Asphalt needs repaired at West side of Northern Turn-a-round. 10/22/09 corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic DWG of Record OK. per Ken B. Sidewalk sections need replaced on North end of turn-a-round. Sidewalk and curb is incomplete at approach end of Phase 13. 17 full depth cracks with separation still requires replacement. 12/3/09 approved per Cathy H. 10/13/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Brett B.
Landscaping 10/14/09 corrections required per Cathy H. Landscaping Incomplete. 10/22/09 corrections required per Ken B. Landscape is incomplete in common area at cul-de-sac. 12/3/09 approved per Ken B. 10/13/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Brett B.
General Comments: