[Park Central Townhomes Phase 2]
Number: Grading-41452

Drawing of Record Submitted 7/2/2010
Electronic Drawing 7/2/2010
Final Grading Report 7/2/2010
Date Scheduled 7/7/2010
City Development Engineer
Power 7/6/2010 Corrections required per Dennis Wright.. Outstanding Bill needs to be Paid in Full to Final job out. 7/14/2010 Approved per Dennis Wright 5/3/2011 Approved per Dennis Wright.. 1 year warranty
Water 7/7/2010 Corrections required per Kevin Condie..Change Pvc to Copper on City side of setter, clean & paint hydrants, 1 valve collar on water valve in street need concrete, w on curb, arrows & line sizes in collars 7/14/2010 Approved per Kevin Condie 5/13/11 - 1 year warranty - approved per Carson Tait.
Wastewater 7/7/2010 Corrections required per Kevin Condie..Change Pvc to Copper on City side of setter, clean & paint hydrants, 1 valve collar on water valve in street need concrete, w on curb, arrows & line sizes in collars 7/14/2010 Approved per Kevin Condie 5/13/11 - 1 year warranty - approved per Carson Tait.
Engineering 7/8/2010 Approved per Brandon Wright 5/5/2011 Approved per Brandon Wright 1 yer warranty
City Development Engineer 7/7/10 corrections REQUIRED per Cathy H. Electronic DWG of record - show catch basin information and location. Show actual location of curb and gutter to west of homes and transformer and cable box. 7/14/2010 Approved per Cathy H... Reed to e-mail me revised Dwg of records 5/5/11 - 1 year warranty approved per Brett B.
Landscaping 7/7/10 corrections REQUIRED per Cathy H. Landscaping in all common area needs to be completed. Recreation area needs to be useable - (i.e., grass). Provide DWG to show actual location of power box, cable box, and F.H. along with locations of proposed items in recration area (i.e., planter/seat-wall) and how you will meet 1,000 s.f. requirement. 7/14/2010 Approved per Cathy H 5/5/11 - 1 year warranty approved per Brett B.
General Comments: