[Southgate LDS 1st & 2nd Wards]
Number: Grading-41793

Drawing of Record Submitted 12/02/2010
Electronic Drawing 12/02/2010
Final Grading Report 12/02/2010
Date Scheduled 12/06/2010
City Development Engineer
Power 12/06/2010 Corrections required per Dennis Wright..Trees planted under power lines- need to be relocated.. Final Not Ready 12/15/2010 Approved per Dennis Wright 11/8/11 - 1 year warranty approved per Dennis Wright.
Water 12/07/2010 Corrections required Per Kevin Condie..1. Wire on 8" line under wall is not working 2. No arrow or line size in collars 3. Remove all tape off hydrants, clean & paint from top of hydrant to concrete 4. Rotate hydrant on North side of building 5. Clean meter boxes out 12/27/10 corrections required per Kevin C. Wire on 8" stub line is not working. Remove collar and fix wire. 1/07/2010 Approved per Kevin Condie 12/06/2011 Approved per Kevin Condie.. 1 year warranty
Wastewater 12/07/2010 Corrections required Per Kevin Condie..1. Wire on 8" line under wall is not working 2. No arrow or line size in collars 3. Remove all tape off hydrants, clean & paint from top of hydrant to concrete 4. Rotate hydrant on North side of building 5. Clean meter boxes out 12/27/10 corrections required per Kevin C. Wire on 8" stub line is not working. Remove collar and fix wire. 1/07/2010 Approved per Kevin Condie 12/06/2011 Approved per Kevin Condie.. 1 year warranty
Engineering 12/07/2010 Corrections required per Brandon Wright..1. Paint stalls in parking lot and stop signs missing. 2. Missing doors on trash enclosure 3. Landscape not complete. 3.Clean all DI boxes 5. Missing rail on fence (block wall) 6. Dumpster needs to be removed from street 7. File N.O.T. with State 8. Remove erosion control 12/20/2010 Approved per Brandon Wright
City Development Engineer 12/07/2010 Corrections required per Brett Bingham..Drawing of record needs to be submitted in a DWG format not PFD. 12/17/2010 Corrections required per Brett Bingham.. Drawing of Record is not good. Need new copy that is in the City HCN. Bad Xref. 1/7/2011 Approved per Brett Bingham
Landscaping 12/07/2010 Corrections required per Brett Bingham.. Landscape not complete 12/17/2010 Approved per Brett Bingham
General Comments: