[Stone Cliff Phase 11]
Number: Grading-45494

Drawing of Record Submitted 4/08/2014 4/23/2014
Electronic Drawing 4/08/2014 4/23/2014
Final Grading Report 4/08/2014
Date Scheduled 4/10/2014
City Development Engineer
Water 4/14/2014 Corrections requiredper Kevin Condie.. 1. Clean & paint hydrants to top of Concrete, turn hydrant on lot 1124, all need to be opened, check wire, setter need to be 9-12 from lid, some of the meter setters fall into drive way will have to be heaver box when they build homes. 4/23/14 approved with conditions by Kevin Condie. Property pins are in now and some meters have fallen on wrong properties. After talking with Elvan Cox and Gail Maxwell - meters are in common areas and if property owners have problems it is at Travelers or Allstars expense to move meters. Check services some are only 6 1/2" down from lid. 4/28/2014 Approved per Kevin Condie
Wastewater 4/14/2014 Corrections requiredper Kevin Condie.. 1. Clean & paint hydrants to top of Concrete, turn hydrant on lot 1124, all need to be opened, check wire, setter need to be 9-12 from lid, some of the meter setters fall into drive way will have to be heaver box when they build homes. 4/23/14 approved with conditions by Kevin Condie. Property pins are in now and some meters have fallen on wrong properties. After talking with Elvan Cox and Gail Maxwell - meters are in common areas and if property owners have problems it is at Travelers or Allstars expense to move meters. Check services some are only 6 1/2" down from lid. 4/28/2014 Approved per Kevin Condie
Engineering 4/24/2014 Approved per Brandon Wright
City Development Engineer 4/15/2014 Approved per Jared Stewart STREETS DEPT ONLY 5/12/2014 Approved per Wes Jenkins
Landscaping 5/12/2014 Approved per Wes Jenkins
General Comments: