Sun River Phase 18
Number: Grading-35043

Drawing of Record Submitted 03/14/2006..revised 4-14-06
Electronic Drawing 03/14/2006..revised 4-14-06
Final Grading Report 03/20/2006
Date Scheduled 03/23/2006
City Development Engineer 04/14/2006 Approved for Permits Only per Jay Sandberg
Water 03/23/2006 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. 1. Center meter setter in boxes remove and replace. 2. Fire hydrant coming into project need concrete around it. 3. W's in curb, 4. remove plastic at the bottom of fire hydrant and paint them. 5. wire-ok 04/14/2006 Approved per Kevin Condie 5/30/2007 Approved per Tim D. 1 yr warranty
Wastewater 03/23/2006 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. 1. Center meter setter in boxes remove and replace. 2. Fire hydrant coming into project need concrete around it. 3. W's in curb, 4. remove plastic at the bottom of fire hydrant and paint them. 5. wire-ok 04/14/2006 Approved per Kevin Condie 5/30/2007 Approved per Tim D. 1 yr warranty
Engineering 03/23/2006 Corrections required per Carlos Robles.. Ramp off sidewalks, backfill behind sidewalks,clean out storm drain boxes, crout pipes, stamp monuments, replace and remove driveway approach, patch chipped curb,seal curb, reset property corners. 04/14/2006 Approved per Carlos Robles 1/24/2008 Approved per Carlos Robles.. 1 yr warranty
City Development Engineer 03/30/2006 Corrections required Per Jay Sandberg..Need private improvement certification required 16/18. Need rock-wall as-built and letter, signage completed on plan 16/18 04/14/2006 (Corrections)Approved per Jay Sandberg.. FOR PERMITS ONLY! See comments from 3-22-06. 06/06/2006 Approved per Jay Sandberg Cert's (wall & Improvement OK) Electrial D of R ok 5/10/07 - 1 year warranty - NA per Cathy H - Private streets only.
Landscaping 03/30/2006 Approved Per Jay Sandberg 5/10/07 - 1 year warranty - NA per Cathy H - Private streets only.
General Comments: